Relaxing after a weekend healing intensive in Carmel, CA. The energies and transformation were profound. A miraculous moment occurred that we want to share with you. One of our guests brought her autistic daughter, JoJo, to the seminar. She is in her early twenties and she does not speak. She is most beautiful and she radiates pure LOVE! We all fell in love with her.
On the last day, we all gave thanks to each other and to JoJo. We all said thank you JoJo and she immediately looked up and said, “You’re welcome.” Her mom stared in a state of jaw-dropping shock, with tears running down her cheeks, as she witnessed this miraculous moment. We all felt so blessed and joyful for this beautiful moment.
Dear Marguerite and Frank,
From the depths of my heart, I thank you both for your time and dedication in helping us release that which does not serve us. I feel such peace and calmness within my heart having integrated m child within…finally.
So much more has released and continues hour by hour. Cindy and I were amazed at all the rays that kept flowing through us our whole ride home yesterday. Besides the 7 rays, there were colors we have never seen before, as well as divine masters and angels coming through to assist us.
I had no idea there was residual “stuff’ to be released just being in Santa Barbara. It was almost shocking to see how much I was still holding on to…it kept surfacing to be looked at and released. I so appreciate your holding the space for us to do so. My heart is bursting with deep gratitude. Thank you for your strength and kindness. Pure divine energy pours out of both of you every moment. I hope and pray I can keep releasing in order to have soulmerging occur with ease and grace.
Thank you again.
Sending Love and Blessings,
Dear Frank,
Thank you so much for the intense light initiation I experienced at your hands!!! When we held up our hands and you ran the divine love and light through me, it took a bit but then I could feel it increasingly as I started to vibrate and my face seemed to be pulled up with my mouth open. It felt odd but I had seen it before in your face at the first intensive I had been to. Even though I have low blood pressure, I had increasing strength and held up my hands higher and higher, pressing against yours. I never tired.
Then the energy started flowing into my arms and legs and they started to shake so much that I was having difficulty with balance. It was a good thing you had put someone behind me, as I needed to lean on him. Then when I saw everybody gathered around me and also receiving the energy as a group, emotions pouring out, I said it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I was still shaking with big movements and when you helped me to my seat; my knees didn’t want to bend.
When I first came I had difficulty feeling emotions, numb most of the time, but sometime during the intensive I was able to open up and feel. I have been feeling more self-love and depth of only positive emotions since then. Nothing seems to bother me and I feel emotionally strong and loved. Wow, that has not been my experience at all in this life! It feels amazing!!
Thank You, Forever,
My Soulmerging experience began with a two-year gradual healing process of becoming aware of the deep wounding that unconsciously drove my choices and actions. Through that time, I experienced accelerated clearings, the lifting of countless fears and terrors, various blocks to my energy flow, the transmuting of dark aspects of myself and the reintegrating of others that had dissociated at times of great trauma in my current or previous lives. Over the course of many healing sessions, I experienced several powerful heart openings and I learned to trust, to let go of control and allow the unfolding of Life.
Each time I visited Dr. Stainetti he radiated Light which I received according to my ability, sometimes huge amounts of it, creating waves that washed over my life in the following days, transmuting all that no longer served me best. As Dr. Stainetti healed me, he also taught me the Language of Light, how to live in the 4th-5th dimensions, how to connect with Elemental energy, the importance of feeling good and self-illuminating.
A few weeks before it actually took place, Frank mentioned that he felt my Soulmerge was nearing, as the incoming golden streams of Light were amplifying and the energies intensifying. Sure enough, the day came when, during yet another session, Dr. Stainetti described my passing through many energetic gates and cosmic thresholds until the Light of my soul entered my body (and kept streaming in for several more days.) I experienced amazing amounts of energy coursing through my body; my hands tingled so much they felt numb. I felt an incredible sense of lightness, a total absence of thoughts and a deep feeling of completely inhabiting the present moment without the perception of the existence of anything else. Frank spoke to me and I found it hard to focus on his questions and respond to them. I just wanted to bathe in the beautiful sensation of floating in a weightless and ecstatic reality…
A week after my experience of Soulmerging I wrote in my journal that I felt “light, liberated, detached from the past and unconcerned by the future. The moment is alive and full of meaning, substance and potential. I feel in (my own) power, centered and at ease. Nothing and no one really gets to me. I feel an enormous drive, a one-pointed focus that’s helped me take actions I had been contemplating for years…”
It’s now been three months since I Soulmerged and while I still experience passing waves of energies seeking to be transmuted, they dissolve very quickly and painlessly. Light prevails and rules! Over the past few weeks, life has been increasingly flowing without effort on my part, inspiration is pouring in, energy increases and actions lead to wonderful outcomes. My intuition is phenomenal and guilt has vanished, along with my anxieties. My boundaries have become clear and strong. Wishes are coming true, almost instantly. I experience feelings of bliss, of joy, singing, dancing, loving. Nature looks more beautiful than ever. I laugh at situations that no longer frustrate me. I feel complete, whole, with a new and beautiful deep love for myself. I am no longer paying attention to others’ opinions and no longer interested in pleasing them. My emotions are more balanced and for the first time ever, I have a deep, intimate and tangible sense of my True Self.
To say that I am grateful to Dr. Stainetti barely scratches the surface of the immense feeling of appreciation I have for him. He is a Man with a Heavenly Message and a most Powerful Mission. He has literally purified my Energy field and distilled the Essence of my Being, opened me up to my magnificence and brought out the most brilliant aspect of My Self, allowing for the shining forth of my unique gift for the world. Frank showered me with his Grace and taught me how to live as a spiritual being in a human body. His mastery of Energy and his direct and deeply personal connection with God and the Archangels, allowed him to infuse my Being with the purest Light, transforming my life in the most radical and empowering way.
Dr. Stainetti is a leading expert on the human condition and the actualization of the individual potential of the human being. The Light he radiates burns away all darkness. Until only Love remains.
Auna Salomé
Hi Marguerite and Frank,
It was so nice to meet you both. I feel so blessed to have met you both in person!!! I feel like I have found long lost family! Marguerite, your beauty and tenderness was such a gift to experience and Frank, your energy is so powerful, yet gentle and loving. I am still reveling in the energy of the weekend; it was an amazing and beautiful experience that we talked about all the way home. Thank you!!!
Much love and gratitude to you both,
I want to share my experience from this past weekend as I attended Dr. Stainetti’s gathering via Skype:
It was Saturday morning that I literally witnessed the energies of our Divine Mother and Yeshua enter the room as Dr. Frank shared that they were entering (keep in mind I am not a clairvoyant nor have I ever had any visual experiences.) I was internally nudged to keep my eyes open to witness what was about to take place. The window behind Marguerite turned into a brilliant, fluorescent white light which looked as though it was moving more into the room, expanding its magnificence and hovering around Dr. Frank and Marguerite. As I watched the brilliant, bright light mold into a cylinder shape its energy enveloped the room. Yeshua’s energy then came through and my heart wept. The love they came to share with us all is hard to put into words and I felt as though I should drop to my knees and bow before these great teachers. We were ALL so incredibly blessed to be in their presence. The room was enveloped in a white haze, a sacred space for the remainder of the day; it was truly something I believe I could only have seen via the Internet as my visual was from a much different perspective.
I cannot encourage you enough to join Dr. Stainetti online if you are not able to travel to Santa Barbara. I believe I was given something I had not experienced before simply by showing up with an open and excited heart. It was THE BEST experience ever and I am eternally grateful for this man’s Divine gift and dedication to humanity.
~Tamaey Gottuso
Dr. Stainetti,
I wish to express my deep gratitude for the release I experienced during and after my session with you. It is and has been my intention and focus to release all that I am not – to be all that I am. I have done much inner work for some time and especially related to need for control and protection. I have been asking for assistance and thus, I was guided to you in order to release on deeper levels. The energetic release is so necessary and, once again, I bless you and your gifts and am grateful for the gift.
Jeannine, Solvang, CA
On the final day of the Soulmerging Event, Sunday, March10, 2013 I had a Soul Ray experience which was wonderful, mystical, and magnificent beyond words and yet it can be shared.
After two full days of grounding and experiencing the Light within, on Sunday, Dr. Stainetti was guiding us through a Universal Meditation of Light. I was focusing on drawing all aspects of my Self down my spine through the bottom of my feet into the Earth’s core. I could feel the vibration of my Being flowing through me into the Earth as I rose up higher and higher through the subtle dimensions beyond time and space.
My body started to move intuitively with the Inner Golden Glow of Light. Dr. Stainetti, standing behind me guided my Golden Energy down to the bottom of my spine while gently encouraging me to, “Let it have its way with you.”
In an oh so gentle way, the Golden Light intensified. My body swaying, I began laughing to the core of my Being, like I’ve never laughed before. All my organs, and every cell, were laughing along with my Being. The Golden Light Intensified beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. The expansion of Golden Light enveloped me and all things through all dimensions.
The Golden Light was of a quality that I’ve never seen; a brilliant Gold not of this Earth, Shining, Shining, Shining Brilliantly. Gold Light Shimmering filled me, embraced me, and healed me. I rose up Higher and Higher, beyond physicality. Then I saw, with my Heart, Yeshua sitting at the right hand of Prime Source, a Being of Radiant Golden White Light. I stood before the Divine in Reverence and Love.
I was told silently that I had to return to Earth to Bring the Golden Light of my Soul to where it’s much needed. The Voice, that spoke silently, said I must Consciously Soulmerge, that a balance between Soulmerging and being on Earth is crucial to knowing that although I’m on the Earth I’m not of it.
This is the beginning of profound changes; there is no end to the Golden Light of my Self. There is no experience of the Earth that compares to the experience of the Soul. The Soul Ray experience, a preparation for the Soulmerging experience, gave me the gift of knowing a glimpse of my Soul, my Radiant Self.
Al Manzo
The transformation events with Dr. Stainetti are very powerful. There are many people within the group that when joined together with the powerful energy from Dr. Stainetti, who channels Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel and a host of other Saints, brings about healing for those seeking healing in their lives. It is the most powerful experience I could ever have imagined. Through my experience, I was able to release a very deep blockage. I cannot say enough about this experience and highly recommend it.
Much love,
Marguerite Sorkin Smith, North Carolina
I have known and worked with Frank for many years now and state unequivocally, he is a wonderful, loving and skilled healer, second to none. His connection to the Divine is pure and clear. I have worked with numerous other healers over the years, and happen to be an energy practitioner myself; Dr. Stainetti is the ONLY practitioner with whom I care to work. His integrity and clarity along with his most loving and compassionate being make his work with you a phenomenal experience. His heart and soul hold the Holy Light of Healing very gently for you…Take the best care of yourself and let Frank guide you in your healing process.
~Bonnie P., Chicago, IL
I knew Dr. Stainetti was an exceptional gifted healer after having a private session with him. What he was able to do during a healing intensive workshop was nothing less than miraculous! Because of his intuitive wisdom and skill, Dr. Stainetti was able to radiate and direct his dynamic and Divine energy to the areas within me that had held me captive most of my adult life. As these mental and emotional straps released, I could feel a spontaneous aliveness in their place. This feeling of wholeness and well-being continued to increase as more and more internal restrictions were removed by his healing energy. He was not putting Band-Aids on BUT actually HEALING the WOUNDS with rays of love. I don’t know how he does it, but blessings to Dr. Stainetti for the work his does and the people he heals.
~Gloria Jones
I want to share what I saw during my healing for it was just beautiful. I became aware of a row of angels singing and we were surrounded by them. One to the left had a bouquet of calla lilies and gave me one, so I lifted my hand to get it and brought it down across my chest. I felt your hand or fingers as the lily touched you. I saw a lot of colors, blues and pink and lavender. When your fingers were on the solar plexus, I saw so clearly, a dark mist being sucked out into your fingers. Another time, as you prayed and touched my heart chakra, a beautiful white cross was gently laid on my heart. After that, I saw your hand and a dove came out of your hand with great white energy and it opened its wings as it laid there. The cross was still on top of my chest with the white dove now beneath it. There was so much peace within me. After a while, you put your hand on my forehead and a beam of light from your hand went down into my third eye chakra and came up and all around my head. The beam widened into the universe. It was a sight to behold, purple, green colors rose far, far away and within me. What marvels you create! The most amazing myriad of divine rays was now entering when you began to heal my DNA. I saw my own DNA and a tiny dark spot that was imperfect and then a twinkling of light and it was healed. There no more. Then one more, then another and another. You, the healer of God, were healing the imperfections within my physical body. Right at the bottom of the DNA I saw a breakage; it was so clear, so vivid. I was right next to it. Afterwards you told me what it was. Amazing!! The amazing thing is I was right there seeing everything that was going on inside of me as if I had mystical x-ray eyes!
You are the most brilliant Doctor I have ever come across. The other things you said to me held such truth; I could feel it throughout my whole body, through the sound of your voice.
Thank you so much. I felt a new power within me being born. What kind of miracle is this? The thing is I was wide awake the whole time. I never fell asleep. Everything was so vivid with colors and so alive.
Thank you so much.
~MLA, Asheville, NC
Amazing! I am feeling more energy than I have in years and it appears I do not require a suppressant anymore! My MD asked me if I was strong enough to handle the memories which surfaced and process them. I said, yes! Talk therapy with the PTSD expert in the closest metro area near me is helpful..but I have only had one session.
It was your sessions many weeks prior that moved these huge blocks! Before any change in med’s or any new therapy with my therapist–I felt the physical change dramatically– I noticed I did not need to sleep any longer than a normal night! No need too! Dragging and pushing myself to do anything seems to be a problem of the past!
I can only connect the change to your help! It has been over 15 years since I have known what it feels like to really move my body again–and to be off antidepressants (!!! ??? !!!)
Amazing healing and transformation!
I will call to make another appointment very soon! Thank you for being on my pastoral care team and for being the great factor in determining my healing at this critical point!
~ Sister Deana Marie, OSB
Anglican Benedictine Nun/LA Diocese
Dr. Stainetti came into my life at a critical turning point. I was at the end stage of my rare lung disease, lymphangioleiomyomatosis, and could no longer engage in normal activities without supplemental oxygen and without becoming severely winded. I figured I was going to die very soon. On top of being ill, I had many emotional wounds hanging over me that stemmed from a traumatic childhood with my father. My whole life, I never felt completely loved or that I was worthy of love. So the death seemed inevitable.
When I first saw Dr. Stainetti, he helped me go back to my childhood and lift the terror that I experienced. In my inner vision I saw me as the little girl coming back to me, the adult. The feeling of warmth radiated over my entire body and I remember feeling so much love that it brought me to tears. It was at that moment that I decided that my life was worth living and fighting for. I continued to see Dr. Stainetti regularly while “waiting” for my lung transplant.
Every week I would experience the intense energy and light, which in my inner vision would look like pink or violet light and sometimes golden white light. I would always feel warmth in my chest and sometimes intense pressure. These energy sessions left me feeling uplifted and more positive about the things I was going through. They also helped me feel overall, not as sick, especially during times when I would catch an infection.
The energy I received from Dr. Stainetti carried me through the most difficult times of being ill, even the nights leading up to my operation. I had become very ill, towards the end, and my blood gases were extremely unbalanced. My carbon dioxide level was almost lethal to where I didn’t wake up one morning. Dr. Stainetti did some healing work at a distance, while I was in the hospital. Miraculously, my blood gases became normal within one day, and the very next day organs came through for me. Dr. Stainetti held me in the light from a distance before and during my operation. Before they wheeled me into the operating room, my husband took a picture of me and the picture showed streams of golden light all over my body. After my operation, the surgeon told us that “I must have had an angel on my shoulder,” because the transplant went so well. I have Dr. Stainetti to thank for my success and survival. I couldn’t have done it without him.
~Courtney Ferriera, Santa Barbara, CA
My experiences of attending the events have literally changed my life. The first event I attended was a direct answer to prayer. A few months prior to the event, my Soul showed me quite clearly that deep within I had made an agreement to leave this Earth after my daughter turned 18 years old. She would no longer need my protection against her father at that time. When I saw this agreement and all of the pain surrounding it, I knew I needed really BIG help. My daughter would be turning 18 later in the year. So as I saw the information for the event, I knew it was my answer and I knew I just had to be there. Much of the pain around that decision was definitely healed at the event. And it made it possible for the rest of the pain associated with that decision to lift on one heart-breaking day a week before my daughter’s birthday. A friend checked my energy a month later and confirmed that all that pertained to that agreement had cleared. I don’t think it would have happened had it not been for that first event.
Yet the events gave me so much more than I thought was possible. Knowing more of my Soul’s purpose and the “whys” of the way my life had gone until then was so liberating. Dr. Stainetti constantly brings our attention to the higher purposes of what we are experiencing. Much of what our “little mind” thinks is only a small part of the picture or not true at all. Dr. Stainetti gives as much of himself as possible to help participants heal and shift as much as we are able. And he tells us what he sees of the beauty and light of our Souls. I remember feeling sad after the first event at having to leave an environment where the multi-dimensional aspects of us were highlighted and Who We Really Are truly seen. I was reluctant to return to the usual life where the little mind’s perceptions of each other get in the way of truly loving each other. I believe this is the destiny of the New Earth, and those of us awakening now will herald that kind of society. Being at the events makes this feel even more possible.
I’m very grateful for all of the transformation that Dr. Stainetti has facilitated in my life! My Soul’s gifts are moving more to the surface of my life into expression. I have greater passion to serve humanity and help bring the Light of other people’s Souls into the world. Nothing can replace experiencing our own Soul’s Light.
~Leia Love, Scottsdale, AZ
Dear Dr. Stainetti,
Since my healing session, I have had many “experiences” that are in some ways vague and seemingly uneventful but rather profound in my heart of hearts. Two nights ago, I had an experience where I started to remember something (more a feeling than an image). My heart was beating as in a state of extreme fear- but I was watching instead of actually being completely in the fear. I felt the fear from behind me. Then I started sobbing and it was so deep and uncontrollable, yet again I was watching. It felt like I was healing for a little girl.
I had the realization that I had separated from that one – myself. The sense of abandonment was I abandoning myself – the little girl. So I looked at that with Spirit and cried and forgave that one and asked to be reunited. You talked about this separation of an aspect of myself and now I have reconnected to her. After I connected with all of this, it all went away in a flash – the fear, the emotion, the heartbeat, the memory.
There have been several spontaneous and short crying episodes – releases.
I’ve had moments of shame and many dreams, but I do not remember them now.
I feel Divine presence around me that is more palpable now.
Thank you for listening and for facilitating the healing.
Carla, New York