All is Given According to BELIEF

As we look around our community and further into humanity in general, we seem to find the same theme running through each person’s life – The theme of why can’t I find joy, love, support, happiness, peace and an abundant, enriching life!

Why can’t you find this for yourself? Because you do not BELIEVE it is possible for you!

What is “IT” that IS NOT possible?

Ask yourself and fill in this statement:

It is my belief that __________ and _________ are not possible for me.

When you sit back and ponder this, how does it feel? You can spend a lifetime in meditation, therapy and healing but if you do not BELIEVE that what you want for yourself is possible, it cannot be possible for you. For as Archangel Gabriel says, “All is given according to belief.”

And so we invite you to BELIEVE.

  • Believe that there is a life of bliss, happiness and peace available to you.
  • Believe that the pain you suffered in the past does not have to define your life today.
  • Believe that it is okay to walk away from anything that does not feel right to you.
  • Believe that relationships can be a fulfilling experience.
  • Believe that you are worthy of love, acceptance and freedom.
  • Believe that you are free to choose the path that is right for you.
  • Believe that the exploration of spirituality and greater truths come from within.
  • Believe that you hold the wisdom and intuition to get you through even the toughest life situations and circumstances.
  • Believe you are not a prisoner to a life of condemnation, judgment and repentance.

Do you see that you can write a million statements about the greater teachings of life but if you do not BELIEVE then little in your life, little within you will change.

Many beliefs you carry about yourself were seeded, groomed and shaped by the caregivers of your early life. These beliefs began as statements about you, made by others, over and over until these statements became attached to you as an identity and belief. They became mental constructs that are deeply ingrained within the very fabric of your existence. They begin to define who you are or who you believe you are through the eyes of others. They limit or thwart the potential for true happiness and love.

We invite you to let go of previous beliefs and open yourself up to the possibility of a different life. How do you let go of previous beliefs? By deciding to and by asking God to saturate you with his divine, unconditional love. LOVE is the prescription for healing and a new way of being.

We invite you to explore what IS POSSIBLE and join our growing community of spiritual seekers who are finding their way to LOVE, happiness, joy, peace and abundance in all aspects of their life.

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